it is useful to me that people thought i was so angry or sad


it is useful to me that people thought i was so angry or sad that i ended my life then ,这句话的主谓宾状分别是什么?that people thought i was so angry or sad that i ended my life then属于什么语,这句话中的主谓宾状结构又是什么?
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-31


【that people thought I was so angry or sad that I ended my life then】这个是主语从句,原句中用it形式主语代替了.
【I was so angry or sad that I ended my life then】这个是thought的宾语从句.
这里有个so that句型,可以把【that I ended my life then】理解为结果状语从句.
整句话的结构就是,【that people thought i was so angry or sad that i ended my life then】是主语,is 是谓语,useful是表语,to me是状语.
再问: to me为什么是状语,为什么不是宾语?
再答: to 是介词,me 是宾格代词,是to的宾语, 介宾短语作状语。
再问: 那么把to改为for也是状语吗?
再答: 是的,也是状语。 用for 和to均可以表示“对我而言”,只不过to主观色彩更浓。
再问: 非常感谢!