

mean real picture one different
something run much read dream
You live in a chocolate house;you don't have to go to school anymore.Is it (1)?Yes,in your dream.
A dream is a lot of (2) ideas and feelings in the mind during sleep.Humans spend one third of life sleeping and six years (3).A person usually has three to five dreams a night.
Usually we can't remember all of our dreams.But we can remember clearly those interesting and strange(4).So many people believe that those strange dreams have a deep (5) or important messages.
Scientists think (6)about dreams.Some say that a dream is only a normal part of sleep.It doesn't tell us (7).Others think that a dream is a direct message from one's mind.It is like a window into one's hopes or fears.For example,when you're very nervous about an exam,you may dream of a monster (8) after you.
Scientists also help us know (9) about dreams.They now can (10) people's dreams by scanning their brain activity during sleep.Would you like to have your dreams read?
My answers:
really one's dreaming pictures meaning
different anything running more read
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-12-04


eal one's dreaming dreams meaning differently anything
running more read
再问: 但是dream用了两次啊~只能用一次
再答: 不好意思,我把这茬忘了,但是根据语境,就应该这样填,第四个改成pictures的话语法上没有问题,但是与下句的内容不对应
再问: 然后呢?
再答: 然后这个题就不太严格呗,只能填pictures了