英语翻译This study investigated the emission of polycyclic aroma


This study investigated the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from stack flue gas and air pollution control device (APCD)effluent of the liquid injection incinerator (LII) disposing the petrochemical industrial wastewater,and PAH removal efficiencies of wet electrostaticprecipitator (WESP) and wet scrubber (WSB).The PAH carcinogenic potency were investigated with the benzo(a)pyrene equivalent concentration(BaPeq).The remarkably high total-BaPeq concentration (220 \2gNm−3) in the stack flue gas was much higher than those of several published emission sources,and indicated the possible influence on its surrounding environment.The total-PAH emission factors of the WESP,WSB and
stack flue gas were 78.9,95.7 and 30,900 \2gL−1 wastewater,respectively.The removal efficiencies of total-PAHs were 0.254,0.309 and 0.563%for WESP,WSB and overall,respectively,suggesting that the use of both WESP and WSB shows insignificant PAH removal efficiencies,and 99.4%of total-PAHs was directly emitted to the ambient air through the stack flue gas.This finding suggested that the better incineration efficiencies,and APCD removal efficiencies for disposing the petrochemical industrial wastewater are necessary in future.© 2007 Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-17


本研究从烟道气和空气污染控制装置的液体喷射焚烧炉( LII )处理石化工业废水( APCD )出水多环芳香烃(PAHs )的排放,湿electrostaticprecipitator ( WESP )多环芳烃去除率和湿式除尘器( WSB ) .恩利控股致癌性进行了研究与苯并( a)芘当量浓度( BaPeq ) .在显着高总,BaPeq浓度( 220 GNM - 3 )的烟道气中显着高于几个公布的排放源要高得多,并表示对周围环境可能造成的影响.该WESP ,WSB总 - 多环芳烃排放因子和
烟道气分别为78.9 ,95.7和30,900 GL- 1的废水,分别.总多环芳烃的去除率分别为0.254 ,0.309和WESP ,WSB和整体,分别0.563 % ,这表明使用两个WESP和WSB的显示微不足道的PAH的去除效率,和总多环芳烃的99.4%被直接发射到通过烟道气环境空气.这一发现表明,较好的焚烧效率,APCD的去除率为处理石化工业废水是必要的未来.©2007爱思唯尔BV保留所有权利.
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