英语翻译必须包含以下词汇 字数在200词左右Barter system 以物换物系统Consumer-Orientate


必须包含以下词汇 字数在200词左右
Barter system 以物换物系统
Consumer-Orientated 受顾客欢迎的
Grocery Stores 食杂店
Convenience Stores 便利店
Drugstores 药店
Big box store 大卖场
Internet shopping 网购
Boutiques 精品店(女装)
Return Policy 返还政策
Return Policy 这个放在文章最后一段
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-27


再问: 演讲稿啊 200多字就行 可以融入场景也可以做叙述
再答: 我是问在什么样的演讲,要是很专业的话,我就没法帮你了
再问: 不是很专业的 就是外教留得作业 高中水准左右的文章就行了 就是在课堂上念的那种`` 麻烦你了
再问: 不是很专业的 就是外教留得作业 高中水准左右的文章就行了 就是在课堂上念的那种`` 麻烦你了
再答: Comsumption, as a pruduct of the human society development, has been affecting people's daily lives in a silent way. Nowadays, barter system has no more existed in cities, somehow this tradition is still working in some rural areas. My hometown (), as an example, use currency as transmission for certain. In terms of comsumer-orientated shops, it is hard to say which one is better, however, it is easy to tell how these shops satisfy the consumers. Grocery stores, as a great multi-sale shop, provide some snacks, toys and some articles for daily use. Even though some grocery stores have cosmetics on their shelves. It is a great convenience for the consumers who need daily-uses. Similarly, convenience stores have almost the same functions compared to grocery stores. However, they also have bus tickets and lottos for sale, and they can be find everywhere. Indeed, big box store is more like a combination of the two which mentioned above, and sometimes you can find drugstores in it. Boutiques are never snubbed likewise as well as Internet shopping. These shops are very popular among young people. Exquisite goods could always be found in these shops. As different shops have been discussed, return policy should be introduced as well. Not all of the shops have return policies. In fact, return policy usually exist in big stores and sometimes in high consumption shops, for example, big box store and boutiques. ( 有些词可能不对,你自己纠正下)