what are the effects of the spanish-american war in 1898?用英语


what are the effects of the spanish-american war in 1898?用英语回答 不是翻译
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-21


The Spanish-American War of 1898 marked a turning point in American history.Within a few years of the war's end,the United States was a world power,exercising control or influence over islands in the Caribbean Sea,the mid-Pacific Ocean and close to the Asian mainland.The conflict has sometimes been called "The Newspaper War," largely because the influence of a sensationalist press -- "Yellow Journalism" (see Yellow Journalism sidebar) -- supposedly brought on the fighting.Key to a sense of rage propagated by the media were the events of February 1898,which culminated with the destruction of an American battleship,the USS Maine,in a Cuban harbor.The media sensationalized the events in February and the two months following until war began,prompting a debate that still rages -- whether the press merely reflected the publi's desire for war,or,in fact,actually fed it.