英语翻译这是我要翻译的→ “得篮板球得天下” 如果进攻队员抢到篮板球不仅可以增加进攻次数和篮下直接得分的机会,而且可以制


这是我要翻译的→ “得篮板球得天下” 如果进攻队员抢到篮板球不仅可以增加进攻次数和篮下直接得分的机会,而且可以制造“外投里抢”增加外围队员投篮的信心,提高士气.如果以上反之,则增加队员负面情绪,合理运用抢位,挡人技术,挡人抢位;跨步后转身;顶纺起跳;空中拼抢;得球后的动作,指出篮板球的重要性,提出比赛过程中抢防守篮板球的配合具有十分重要的实际意义,主要表现在人人参与、统一行动、顶抢结合、人盯人、左挡右抢和右挡左抢五方面,最后提出正确地掌握抢篮板技术,合理运用抢位、挡人技术,控制篮板球可以有效控制比赛.
自己口头回答 别去网上翻译的哈 ...
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-05


"get rebounds in the world" if the offensive player to grab the rebound can not only increase the attack frequency and the basket directly score the opportunity,and can be made "outside investment and grab" to increase the confidence of the perimeter players shooting boost their morale.If the contrary,an increase of players negative emotions,rational use of scramble Blocking People block people scramble; stride after the turn; top spun jump; the air Pinqiang; action of Qiuhou,pointed out the importance of rebounding proposed during the race to grab the defensive rebound with a very important practical significance,mainly combined with the participation of all,unified action,top grab,man to man,left to block the right to grab and right block left to grab the five areas,and finally asking the right to master the grab rebounds technology,and rational use of the scramble to block human technology,control the rebound can effectively control the game.