英语翻译when chinese people give their names,the last name is al


when chinese people give their names,the last name is always said before the first name.the 'surname' 'clan name' 'family name' 'last name' of a chinese person- the name they say first when they introduce themselves is almost always one character in length.
of the thousands of chinese surnanmes only about two dozen are two characters long,and these names are very uncommon.certain chinese names are more common than others in china and their concentration is significantly greater.
smith is an occupational surname for a man who works with metal.one of the earliest jobs for which specialist skills were required.it is a craft that was practiced in all countires,making the surname and its derivations the most common of all surnames around the world.
ireland was one of the frist countries to adopt hereditary suirnames,many of which were devised during the reign of brian boru the high king of ireland,who fell defending ireland from the vikings.
many of these names began as patronyms to define a son from his father or grandson from his grandfather.thus ,the reason for the common prefixes found on lrish surnames.'o' is a word all by itself,signifying grandson when attached to grandfathers name or trade.the apostrophe that usually follows the 'o' actually comes from a misunderstanding by english-speaking clerks in elizabethan time,who interpreted it as a form of the word 'of' 尤其几个难得 句子 不要用翻译器 狗屁不通啊
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-29


爱尔兰是最早采用姓氏承袭的国家之一,其大部分姓氏均创自爱尔兰那位未能在受到北欧海盗侵略时保卫爱尔兰的最高国王布莱恩 博鲁的统治时期.
再问: certain chinese names are more common than others in china and their concentration is significantly greater详细解释一下 找到词根啥的 主谓宾 作下稍微详细的分析 我觉得significantly没翻译出来啥的
再答: certain chinese names【主语,有些中国姓氏】 are 谓语 more common than others【宾语,比其它(姓氏)更常见】 in china 【宾补】 and their concentration is significantly greater【and之后是个并列句,significantly greater表示程度更大,由于说的是集中度,中文习惯通常用高而不用大,如高度重视,高度关注等,所以在本句中以为“相当高”】