21.To keep up with the pace of the modern world,we must over


21.To keep up with the pace of the modern world,we must overcome the _____ to new technology.A.
21.To keep up with the pace of the modern world,we must overcome the _____ to new technology.
A.relativity B.regulation C.relationship D.resistance
22.A market economy allows businesses to compete against each other free from government _____.
A.restriction B.interference C.arrangement D.proposition
23.Praise is particularly appreciated by those doing _____ jobs,waitresses and housewives,for instance.
A.creative B.original C.temporary D.routine
24.She took the _____ in getting acquainted with her neighbors and she hopes to get along with them very well.
A.preference B.possession C.integrity D.initiative
25.The road _____ over two hundred miles through the heart of the country.
A.approached B.expanded C.stretched D.proceeded
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-13


21.D resistance抵制,拒绝.“为了跟上现代社会的步伐,我们必须克服对新技术的抵制”
22.B interference干预."市场经济允许企业间相互竞争而不被政府干预"
23.D routine规律的,常规的.(死板的,按部就班的)“赞扬尤其被那些做死板工作的人欣赏,比如像女服务员和家庭主妇”
24.D initiative主动的 “她主动了解(get acquainted with sb)她的邻居们并希望能跟他们相处很好”
25.C stretch 伸展,延伸.“路绵延超过200公里穿过国家的中心”