

1个回答 分类:英语 2014-12-16


One day,a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit.When they came near the incubator,chick just got out of its egg shell.
"It's wonderful to see a little thing come out from the egg shell,isn't it?" the teacher said.
"Yes,sir." said one of the boys," but it would be more wonderful if we knew how a chick gets in to its eggs hell before hand."
再问: 要超短,易懂,易读,易记的小故事,四年级懂的!
再答: 《狼和小羊》 Aesop’s Fables The Wolf and the Lamb Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. ‘There’s my supper,’ thought he, ‘if only I can find some excuse to seize it.’ Then he called out to the Lamb, ‘How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?’ ‘Nay, master, nay,’ said Lambikin; ‘if the water be muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me.’ ‘Well, then,’ said the Wolf, ‘why did you call me bad names this time last year?’ ‘That cannot be,’ said the Lamb; ‘I am only six months old.’ ‘I don’t care,’ snarled the Wolf; ‘if it was not you it was your father;’ and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and .WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA .ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out .’Any excuse will serve a tyrant.’ see her every year. 狼来到小溪边,看见小羊在那儿喝水。 狼想吃小羊,就故意找碴儿,说:“你把我喝的水弄脏了!你安地什么心?” 小羊吃了一惊,温和地说:“我怎么会把您喝的水弄脏呢?您站在上游,水是从您那儿流到我这儿来的,不是从我这儿流到您那儿去的。” 狼气冲冲地说:“就算这样吧,你总是个坏家伙!我听说,去年你在背地里说我的坏话!” 可怜的小羊喊道:“啊,亲爱的狼先生,那是不可能的,去年我还没有生下来哪!” 狼不想再争辩了,龇着牙,逼近小羊,大声嚷道:“你这个小坏蛋!说我坏话的不是你就是你爸爸,反正都一样。”说着就往小羊身上扑去。
再问: 更长!
再答: Mr Smith doesn't feel well in his eyes. he can't see clearly. today, when he is walking on the road in the country , a strong wind blows his scarf off his neck. Mr. Smith begins to run after it. A girl asks him from a window. "Hey! What are you doing?" "Running after my scarf." "Your scarf? That's my white cat you are running after."