Do you know everybody came to the party


Do you know everybody came to the party
Do you know everybody came to the party?
No,I don't know the one you had a long talk with near the door.
A.that;/ B.whose ;that C.that; which D./whom
I won't come to see you I'm asked to.
A unless B until C till D if
She didn't come
A no longer B any more C any longer D no more
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-29


选A 代词 后者是the one的定语从句
A 除非 我不会来看你,除非你要求我这样做
B not any more/longer 都是短语,表示不会再怎么样
再问: 第一题和最后一题我还是不太明白。 为什么第三题要从时间上表示不会了?不能从事件上吗?
再答: 第三题:是这样 not... any more 和 not... any longer 唯一的区别就是: not... any more 强调“动作上”的不再(存在或发生),一般修饰终止性动词,表示动作发的次数,频率不再延续 。这里的【come】就是短暂性动词 not... any longer 则强调“时间上”的不再(存在或发生)一般修饰延续性动词,表示动作、状态或时间不再延续 eg:如果你说"I won't talk to him any longer",那就表示你再也不会理他了,你们绝交了 第一题: 第一个空:是 that 是代指everyone 。do you know everybody (that came to the party)?你认识所有(来宴会的)的人吗? 第二个空:the one 做的是 后面定语从句的宾语 所以填 whom或者直接省略