RIDING a bike is good exercise and great fun.But what do you


RIDING a bike is good exercise and great fun.But what do you do with your old bikes?American girl Nicole Basil has a wonderful answer to this question.She set up Pedal Power – a charity (慈善团体) to collect (收集) old bikes and give them to people who need them.
Nicole,12,started Pedal Power when she was only 8.She collects more than 250 bikes each year.Every November,Pedal Power holds a bike race to ask for more donations (捐赠品).
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-05


骑自行车是一项很棒的运动并且十分有趣. 但是你你是怎么处理旧自行车的?美国女孩Nicole Basil给出了很棒的答案.她建立了一个叫Pedal Power 的慈善团体,收集旧自行车并送给那些需要它们的人.
12岁的Nicole 在她8岁的时候就开始建立Pedal Power并每年收集250多辆的自行车.Pedal Power在每年的十月份会举行一次自行车比赛以筹集捐赠品.
再问: A bicycle shop helps Nicole check every bike for the races.The owner said he is happy to help the charity."This is just wonderful,"he said."We need to learn form Nicole to help others."的意思是什么 速度啊!!!!!!!!!
再答: 一家自行车商店帮助Nicole 检查每辆参赛的自行车。这家店的主人说他十分高兴能帮助这家慈善团体。“这十分棒,”他说,“我们应该向Nicole学习,帮助他人。”