英语翻译Some nations pride themselves on having a clear and logi


Some nations pride themselves on having a clear and logical languages.The French,for example,point to their language as being the clearest and most logical in the world.The Germans,similarly,tend to point to their own language as the best in the world.
The British have never made any such claim.We know that it is one of the muddiest languages in the world.Sometimes we cannot even hear what people are saying.We find it hard to tell the difference between “ fourteen” and “forty.” We can spell words in different ways ( hullo,hallo,hello) and we pronounce some words different ways ( either “eether” or “ither”).
Meanings of certain English words or phrases waver all over the place,too.Let’s consider the case of the word “funny.” When someone uses it we often have to ask them which meaning they intend:Is that “funny ha,ha” ( as in “You look really funny in that hat.”) or “funny strange”?(as in “Your keys aren’t here.” “That’s funny—I’m sure I left them on the table.”)
Take “next Monday” for another example.How often do you hear conversations such as this:
“ When are you going off on holiday?”
“ Next Monday.”
“ The day after tomorrow?”
“ No,not this Monday---next Monday.”
“ But the day after tomorrow is next Monday.It’s the next Monday we have.”
“Yes,but ‘ next Monday’ is what we call the one after this one.This Monday is Monday next.”
And so on.It is all very confusing,isn’t it?In fact,there are plenty more like this if you look for such examples around you.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-22


有时候我们连别人在说什麼都听不到.我们发现要分得清 "十四" 和 "四十" 并不容易.我们可以把字拼成不同的样子 ("哈罗" 可以拼成 hullo,hallo 或者 hello),而且有些字我们会发出不同的音 (either 可以读成 "ee-ther" 也可以读成 "i-ther").
还有一些英文字或者词汇的意思到处飘忽不定.来看看 "funny" 的例子吧.每当有人用这个字的时候,我们常常都得问问他们指的是哪一个意思:是 "funny,哈哈" (也就是"你带那顶帽子看起来好funny(可笑)" 的这种意思),还是 "funny,好奇怪喔"?(就像"你的钥匙不在这." "那就funny(奇怪)了──我明明是放在这桌上的." )
在举个例子,来看"下周一" 吧.像这样的对话你有多常听见:
"不是,不是这周一 ──是下周一."
"对,但是'下周一' 指的是这个周一的再下一个.'接下来' 的周一才是本周一."
如此这般地继续下去.**( =以此类推)** 很令人感到混乱,对吗?老实说,如果你在身边找找,还会有很多这样的例子呢.
在下不才的翻译 有些地方不能很准确的翻成中文,还请你自己看一下.(我 **(这样)** 标出来了)
再问: 好的!非常感谢!这是一篇阅读理解的文章,是拿给别人看的!