Is there anyone can tell me some symptoms of "decayed tooth"


Is there anyone can tell me some symptoms of "decayed tooth" in English?
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-11-16


Tooth decay usually does not cause symptoms in its early stages.Toothache,the most common symptom of tooth decay that has been present for a long time,is caused by infection or irritation of the pulp.The pain may become worse when you:
Eat sweets.
Eat hot or cold foods or drink hot,cold,or acid-containing liquids,such as citrus drinks.
Chew food or gum.
Breathe in cold air.
Brush your teeth.
Other common symptoms of tooth decay include:
Bad breath or a foul taste in the mouth.
White,gray,brown,or black spots on the teeth.
Loose fillings.
A broken tooth or a tooth that is sensitive to pressure.