求 three skeleton key中文全文翻译


求 three skeleton key中文全文翻译
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-12-07


电影名:《万能钥匙》The Skeleton Key
A skeleton key is also called a pass key.It is a key with a big part of the bit filed away so that it can open various doors.It is also a term used to refer to a key that can actually open any lock.
如果 表示三把万能钥匙的话KEY 要复数
three skeleton keys.
再问: 大哥。。这个不是电影。。是一片文章啦。。。而且这里的key不是钥匙。。是小岛好不好。。。
再答: 高手,谁告诉你是小岛, 就算是小岛如果前面带数量词是肯定要复数的,不然就是错的,
再问: 真的。。。外教说的。。。。
再答: 这个外教肯定是美国农民,Key没有复数肯定是不对的。
再问: 而且到百度上查 three skeleton key..有这篇文章。。而且维基百科上可是说key 没有复数的。。。
再答: 哦,不好意思,我看了原版,不过不是岛屿的意思。Three Skeleton Key, the small rock on which the light stood, 应该这样翻译: 三骷髅石,那个灯塔下的一个小岩石。 这里的Key 是:点的意思,当然翻译成岩石就最恰当了,因为是一个点,所以不用复数 three skeleton 做定语:三骷髅的 出于好奇,我愿意花几分钟把原话翻译如下,大意保证准确。 When I was a young man, not very long in the service, there was an opening in a lighthouse newly built off the coast of Guiana, on a small rock twenty miles or so from the main land. The pay was high, so in order to reach the sum I had set out to save before I was married, I volunteered for service in the new light. 当我还是个年轻人,从军没多久的时候,在离圭亚那海岸不远的一个新建灯塔那有个守塔的空缺(职位), 这个灯塔建在于离大陆大概20多英里远的一个小岩石上。报酬十分可观,所以为了存够我给自己的定的结婚前的存款数额,我欣喜若狂的毛遂自荐的去那守塔
再答: Three Skeleton Key, the small rock on which the light stood,bore a bad reputation. It earned its name from the story of the threeconvicts who, escaping from Cayennein a stolen dugout canoe, were wrecked on the rock during the night, managed to escape the sea buteventually died of hunger and thirst. When they were discovered, nothingremained but three heaps of bones, picked clean by birds. The story was thatthe three skeletons, gleaming with phosphorescent light, danced over thesmall rock, screaming… 三骷髅石,那个灯塔下的小岩石,臭名远扬,它的名字是因为这个故事得名的:三个从卡宴(法属圭亚那首府)偷了一艘独木舟逃来的逃犯,夜里船失事了他们被困在这个岩石上,他们在想方设法要逃离大海,但最终死于了饥饿和口渴,当他们被找到的时候,只剩下了三堆被鸟啄得很干净的骨头,故事是这样的,那三对骷髅,闪着磷光,在岩石上跳着,哭喊着。。。。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 所以不用再争了,翻译成:三骷髅石(或礁,岩),是铁定的事了,不管是美国农民大叔,还是美国教授,都会同意的,当然他要看过文章才行,如果只是偶尔听过,他就会以为是发生在岛上,也不足为奇。文章中特别注明 small rock 小岩石,要成岛的规模还差得远呢。
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