英语翻译1.我很高兴为电视台工作 2.他是在那棵树下照相吗?3.昨天我在睡觉前看了一本书 4.没有人知道他去年做了什么


1.我很高兴为电视台工作 2.他是在那棵树下照相吗?3.昨天我在睡觉前看了一本书 4.没有人知道他去年做了什么 5.他在这里站了很长时间没有做任何事情 6.假期中你去了纽约城吗?7.上个星期天你为什么呆在家里阿?8.我很难忍受肥皂剧,它太没有意思了 9.今天上学不要迟到 10.你必须看管好你的弟弟 11.我今天做了一件好事,这让我非常的开心 12.我们今天去游泳,在水里我们玩得很开心 13.他每天早上都得打扫房间 14.他狠快乐的看着他的狗和一直很友好的猫玩耍 15.我帮汤姆找到了他的叔叔 16.你昨天去了博物馆吗?17.我看到伟大的万里长城,我感到非常的高兴 (希望不要拿那种网上的在线翻译来,那种的确很不准确 = = 希望有专业人士来翻译 ,)
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-07


1.I am glad to work for the TV station. 2. Was he taking photoes under the tree? 3. I had read a book before I went to bed yesterday. 4. No one konws what did he do last year. 5. He stood here but did nothing . 6,Did you went to Newyork during the holiday? 7.Why did you stay at home last sunday? 8.I found it's hard to bear the soap opera. It's so boring. 9.Don't be late for school today. 10. You must take care of your little brother. 11.I feel very happy because I did a good deed today.或I did a good deed. This makes me feel happy. 12.We went to swimming today and we enjoyed ourselves in water. 13.He must clean room every morning by himself. 14. He is happy to see his dog playing with the cat that is always friendly. 15.I helped Tom found his uncle. 16.Did you went to the museum? 17. I saw the Great Wall yesterday. I am so happy about that. 太多了,敲了半天,我打字慢啊