英语翻译Cristiano Ronaldo是一名葡萄牙足球运动员,现效力于西甲俱乐部皇家马德里,同时身兼葡萄牙国家队的队


Cristiano Ronaldo是一名葡萄牙足球运动员,现效力于西甲俱乐部皇家马德里,同时身兼葡萄牙国家队的队长.克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多早于18岁时已加盟曼联,2003年8月8日,曼联宣布以1224万英镑的转会费与克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多签署5年的合同.小小罗成为曼联史上第一位葡萄牙籍球员.他的转会费也打破了一年前另外一个葡萄牙人维亚纳所保持的850万英镑的英超年轻球员转会纪录.而他更成为了曼联7号,传奇巨星乔治·贝斯特就是曼联7号,弗格森在执掌的17年里更是把这身球衣作为俱乐部头号球星的象征——乔治·贝斯特、布赖恩·罗布森、坎通纳、贝克汉姆.现在,小小罗能否继续这个传奇让人期待.小小罗说:“我加盟后,教练问我想要哪个号码,我说28号,但弗格森说,‘不.你将得到7号’.这件著名的球衣给了我额外的动力,我不得不努力去配得上这个号码.”于2006年世界杯时扬名,其后除为曼联赢得多个主要锦标外,也获得不少个人奖项.在2007-2008球季中,该季个人打进了42球,超越了曼联前中场佐治·贝斯的纪录.亦成为欧洲足球先生和世界足球先生,是首个在英超诞生的世界足球先生.在2006世界杯预选赛中,他以位列射手榜第二的7粒进球帮助葡萄牙入围2006德国世界.杯决赛圈.2006世界杯小组赛对阵伊朗的比赛中,队长菲戈将自己制造的点球交给小小罗主罚,小小罗冷静命中,打入个人第一粒世界杯进球.他最终和队友合作为葡萄牙队取得世界杯第四名的成绩.
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-11-03


Cristiano Ronaldo is a Portuguese football player,currently playing for Spanish club Real Madrid,who is also captain of the Portuguese national team.Cristiano Ronaldo back in the age of 18 has joined Manchester United,August 8,2003,Manchester United announced the 12.24 million pounds in transfer fees and Cristiano Ronaldo to sign five-year contract.Cristiano Ronaldo became Manchester United in the history of the first Portuguese player.He also broke the transfer fee a year ago,a Portuguese Viana maintained by another 850 million pounds of young players,a record Premiership.And he became the No.7 Manchester United,Manchester United legend George Best is the No.7,Ferguson 17 years at the helm of the body has even more uniform as a symbol of the club's top players - George Best,Bryan * Robson,Cantona,David Beckham.Now,Ronaldo can continue with this legend makes us look forward.Ronaldo said:"I joined after the coach asked me which number you want,I said on the 28th,but Ferguson said,'no.You will get 7'.This gave me the famous shirt of additional power,I had to hard to live up to this number."famous World Cup in 2006,followed by Manchester United to win except for the number of major trophies,but also received a lot of personal awards.In the 2007-2008 season,this season scored 42 goals individuals,surpassing the former Manchester United midfielder George Best's record.Has also become the European Footballer of the Year and World Player of the Year,is the first in the Premiership Player of the birth of the world.In the 2006 World Cup qualifiers,he ranked second scorer of seven goals to help the world in Germany 2006 finalists Portugal.Cup final lap.2006 World Cup group match against Iran's game,captain Luis Figo made his penalty kick to Ronaldo,Ronaldo calmly hit,into the individual grains first World Cup goal.He eventually co-operation and team-mate for the Portuguese team finished fourth in the World Cup.
February 6,2007 - Cristiano Ronaldo 22-year-old's birthday the next day,in the friendly against Brazil,he was first appointed to the Portuguese captain.Have Figo,Costa is the backbone of the Portuguese team,but now take over the captain's armband to Ronaldo obviously represents hope for the future of Portuguese football,"Young Shiwuershi,the walk won the Hu Maji." However,Ronaldo is also in their future disturbed:"I do not think I was a genius,if not training today,tomorrow will be backward.My family would help me grasp the direction,I will not lose myself."
The club's excellent performance and Ronaldo's talent is not fully displayed.In the 2008 European Cup qualifier in Cristiano Ronaldo has a good performance,his eight goals helped the team Ruyuan into finals.51 behalf of the Portuguese national team competition,20 break the other gates,such a feat let Cristiano Ronaldo to become an international arena,one of the most productive striker.
In the 2010 World Cup qualifier,the Portugal national team poor performance in the life and death battle with Hungary,Ronaldo to give up in order to match the club's league is a service,Ronaldo playing hurt,but it re-injured,but fortunately the Portuguese national team finally won his opponent.The incident raised the hearts of fans in Portugal,Ronaldo position.