

在人类与兽人爆发战争的数万年前,艾泽拉斯世界只有一块被无边的海洋包围的巨大陆地,这片大陆被称为卡利姆多.在这块黑暗的大陆中心是一片充满神秘能量的湖泊.这片湖泊——它后来被称为永恒之井.之后一个夜间种族出现了,他们称自己为卡多雷---众星之子,也就是后来的暗夜精灵.他们的女王和一群高等精灵日夜不停的研究永恒之井,并从中获取了强大的魔法力量,但他们也逐渐没这股力量所迷惑,迷失了自己.一个年轻的卡多雷学者玛法里奥.暴风,在花费大量时间研究了永恒之井的力量后,发现了女王和那些高等精灵的变化,虽然他无法想象将要有什么样的邪恶降临,但他知道,暗夜精灵的生活将永远被改变…… 于是他找到他的弟弟伊利丹.怒风和月之女祭司泰兰德.语风,一起对抗即将到来的灾难-----与燃烧军团的战争.最后虽然永恒之井爆炸了,但暗夜精灵也失去了他们原本的家园,玛法里奥带着存活下来的族人开始了寻找新家园的旅程.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-26


中文:在人类与兽人爆发战争的数万年前,艾泽拉斯世界只有一块被无边的海洋包围的巨大陆地,这片大陆被称为卡利姆多.在这块黑暗的大陆中心是一片充满神秘能量的湖泊.这片湖泊——它后来被称为永恒之井.之后一个夜间种族出现了,他们称自己为卡多雷---众星之子,也就是后来的暗夜精灵.他们的女王和一群高等精灵日夜不停的研究永恒之井,并从中获取了强大的魔法力量,但他们也逐渐没这股力量所迷惑,迷失了自己.一个年轻的卡多雷学者玛法里奥.暴风,在花费大量时间研究了永恒之井的力量后,发现了女王和那些高等精灵的变化,虽然他无法想象将要有什么样的邪恶降临,但他知道,暗夜精灵的生活将永远被改变…… 于是他找到他的弟弟伊利丹.怒风和月之女祭司泰兰德.语风,一起对抗即将到来的灾难-----与燃烧军团的战争.最后虽然永恒之井爆炸了,但暗夜精灵也失去了他们原本的家园,玛法里奥带着存活下来的族人开始了寻找新家园的旅程.
英文:Humans and orcs in the tens of thousands of years ago,the outbreak of war,the world of Azeroth is only a boundless ocean surrounded by a huge land,this continent is known as Kalimdor.Center of the continent in this dark energy is a mysterious lake.This piece of the lake - it came to be known as the Well of Eternity.After a night race there,they call themselves the son of Cadore --- stars,that is,the later the night elves.Their queen and a group of high elves of research around the clock Well of Eternity,and obtain a powerful magic force,but they did not this force is gradually confused,lost myself.A young scholar Malfurion Cadore.Storm,after spending a lot of time to study the power of the Well of Eternity,we found the queen and those high elves,and although he can not imagine what kind of evil would have come,but he knew that the night elves lives will be forever changed ...and he found his brother Illidan.Stormrage and the Priestess of the Moon Tyrande.Whisperwind together against the impending disaster and the burning Legion ----- the war.Finally,although the Well of Eternity exploded,but the night elves have lost their original homes,Malfurion with surviving tribe began a journey to find a new home .