英语翻译别哭了,我点了一杯葡萄汁 我在下一站下车 早睡早起身体好 他经常头疼 律师事务所在这条路的尽头 你最好不要去惹那


别哭了,我点了一杯葡萄汁 我在下一站下车 早睡早起身体好 他经常头疼 律师事务所在这条路的尽头 你最好不要去惹那条狗 我想要个小提琴做生日礼物 水面上的船只构成了美丽的风景 当温度低于零度时水结成冰 这本书值得一读 我从没碰到过比你笨的人 平静的大海像睡着了的孩子 他喜欢唱歌不喜欢跳舞 我是江苏省人 这里将会有场时装秀 我明天想买新衬衫和鞋子 我们应当才去措施来美化环境 那个年轻人想要骗这个老妇人的钱 你是在评判我吗
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-12-02


don't cry ,calm down.I ordered a glass of grape juice.I'll get off at next station.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy.He often has a headache.The Law Firm is at the end of this road.You'd better not offend that dog.I want to have a violin as my birthday present.The boats on the water make a beautiful scenery.Water freezes when the it's below zero degree.The book is worth reading.I've never met a person more stupid than you.The silent sea is like a sleeping child.
He likes singing,but he doesn't like dancing.I'm from Jiangsu province.There will be a fashion
show here.I would like to buy new shirts and shoes tomorrow.We should take some measures to beautify our environment.The young man wants to cheat the old lady out of money.Are you judging me?