英语翻译The authorities in Iraqi Kurdistan have warned Turkey th


The authorities in Iraqi Kurdistan have warned Turkey that its incursion into northern Iraq will be met with massive resistance if civilians or populated areas are attacked and the preparations to this effect are already in place.The statement comes after Iraq's Foreign Minister,Hoshyar Zebari,warned Turkey that any further escalation of its operation against Kurdish fighters could destabilize the region.The Turkish Army says the number of PKK rebels killed in the current offensive has risen to 79,though this is disputed by the PKK.Crispin Thorold reports.
The mountains where this fighting is taking place are really some of the most beautiful areas in the Middle East.There're lots of rivers that flow through the valleys.And at the moment,of course,it's winter.There’s heavy snow there
which is going to make this already inhospitable terrain extremely difficult for the Turkish military.So the Turkish troops are going into inhospitable terrain in a difficult time of year and there will be fighting people whose home are these mountains.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-12-09


当局在伊拉克库尔德斯坦已警告土耳其,其入侵伊拉克北部都会遭遇到巨大阻力,如果平民或人口稠密地区遭到袭击,并准备为此已经到位.声明后,伊拉克外长霍希亚尔兹巴里时,警告土耳其说,任何进一步升级的行动,其打击库尔德战士可能破坏该地区稳定.土耳其军方说,有多少名库尔德工人党反政府武装打死,在目前的攻势已上升到79 ,虽然这是有争议的,由库尔德工人党.克里斯安省索罗尔德市报告.