

引 言
美国经济研究中心创始人Preterits告诫生产商和贸易商:“不学会在网上游泳,你将会被竞争大潮所淹没.”反映在商业交易上,最显著的变化就是商业交易的电子化,它已成为一股不可阻挡的趋势,在现代社会中日益得到广泛应用,并由此形成了一种新的商务模式——电子商务(Electronic Commerce,EC).这种以互联网为平台,以信息交换为手段的交易方式的兴起与繁荣,既给传统交易方式带来了冲击,也使传统法律制度面临着挑战.在线交易(on-line trading)有一套不同于传统交易的规则,调整交易的法律制度理应适应在线交易的要求,否则交易将得不到法律的有效保障.合同作为民事权利义务关系的记载,在商业交易中扮演了非常重要的角色.同样,作为信息时代产物和电子商务活动重要工具的在线交易合同,其应用与发展也给传统合同法带来了许多问题.
 \x05 结 语
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-09-26


With the rapid development of Internet technology, electronic commerce in the countries all over the world are so common, online trading, online payment and so on the new way to trade completely change the traditional business model. Online trading contracts as electronic business operation of the important basis and tools have also been widely used, greatly promoted the development of the digital economy. Individuals, companies and the government deal with affairs, and other business activities have cannot leave online trading contract. But until now China does not have a contract for online transactions made specific provisions of the law, it is not a kind of regret. Along with the global economy integration and the rapid development of the Internet, e-commerce law will become a big task formulated. This paper attempts to in the field of electronic business core-online trading contract the concept and characteristic of the discussion, the author analyzes the online trading contract to the impact of the traditional contract, according to online trading often encountered Internet fraud and network trap, this article try to write some dispute resolution methods, and reference for the legal system of the advanced countries, puts forward the online trading contract system in our country some of the thinking. In combination with the actual situation of online transactions, and puts forward to our country online trading contract legislation suggestion.Keywords: online trading; Online trading contract; Dispute resolution 下面还有,是第二段,引言开头的
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