SAT OG上的一道阅读题


SAT OG上的一道阅读题
test 3 session 9 讲的是小姑娘小时候喜欢去图书馆,说自己喜欢看有关非洲的书,因为那里的人们为了自由斗争,就像自己为了civil right一样,又说自己喜欢看science还有一次把醋泼墙上了就是为了证明墙是由石灰石做的.(雄孩子啊)后来写了自己读了一本书叫little woman,觉得里面的女孩敢爱敢恨也很像自己.原文:"christmas won't be christmas without any presents," grunmbled Jo,lying on the rug.
(摘抄了自己当时读的little woman里面的第一段)
.it was good thing i'd already decided on some other book to take home,because i didn't look through the rest of the section that day.I read and read and read little woman until it was time to walk home,and ,except for a few essential interruptions like sleeping and eating,i would not put it down until the end.
the author unses an extended quote in lines 61-69(就是我上面括号里面的内容) as part of a larger attempt to 答案是convey the impact of an unexpected discovery为什么呢?小女孩不是喜欢这本书么为什么还不打算把它带回家读?然后答案也不明白是为什么选那个.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-09-28


55到60行都在说好的题目不代表好的内容,无聊的题目也不一定说明内容不好.作者在看到这本书的题目后并没有马上觉得这本书好,而是在看了书的第一页后感觉书很好,强调这本题目很二的书给作者带来的惊讶进而产生带回家读的想法.引用little woman的话就是为了说明这本书出乎作者意料的好.
再问: 那.it was good thing i'd already decided on some other book to take home意思不是说" 我把其他书带回家的选择是件好事儿" 么,这不是在说不喜欢这本书??
再答: 不好意思今天有课刚看见追问。 你看下文就是在讲拿回家以后不停地看,.it was good thing i'd already decided on some other book to take home应该是说带好几本书回家吧,不要过于关注细节,应该把握整个的意思。
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