高一英语完形填空一篇 答案已给,每题求原因.请解释清楚,本人初三学生.


高一英语完形填空一篇 答案已给,每题求原因.请解释清楚,本人初三学生.
The central problem of economics is to satisfy the people's and nation's wants.
The problem we are faced with is that our resources, here identified as money, are __1__. The only way we can resolve our problem is to make choices. After looking at our resources, we must examine our list of __2__ and identify the things we need immediately, those we can postpone, and __3__ we cannot afford. As individuals, we face the central problem involved in economics-deciding just how to allocate our limited our limited resources to provide __4__ with the greatest satisfaction of our wants.
Nations face the same problem. As a country's population ___5__, the need for more goods and services grows correspondingly. Resources necessary to production may increase, but there __6__ are enough resources to satisfy the total desires of a nation. Whether the budget meeting is taking place in the family living room, in the conference room of the corporation __7__ of directors, or in the chamber of the House of Representatives in Washington, the basic problem still exists. We need to find __8__ of allocating limited resources in order to satisfy unlimited wants.
A short time ago economists divided goods into two categories, free and economic. The former, like air and water, were in __9__ abundance that economists had no concern for them. After all, economics is the __10__ of scarcity and what to do about it. Today many of these "free goods" are __11__ very expensive to use. Pollution has made clean air and water expensive for producers' extra costs, and __12__ taxpayers who pay for the government's involvement in cleaning the environment.
In the 1990s, almost all goods are __13__. Only by effort and money __14__ obtained in the form people wish.
Meeting needs of people and the demands from resource available __15__ the basic activity of production. In trying to meet unlimited wants from limited economic goods, production leads to new problems in economics.
1. A) limited B) unlimited C) scarcity D) abundant
2. A) want B) problem C) wants D) resources
3. A) those B) some C) others D) many
4. A) them B) themselves C) ourselves D) ours
5. A) expand B) extends C) grows D) increase
6. A) always B) sometimes C) often D) never
7. A) management B) function C) board D) group
8. A) people B) economists C ) way D) methods
9. A) so B) great C) such D) such an
10. A) form B) study C) means D) source
11. A) practically B) in practice C)in reality D) practicably
12. A) the B) / C) for D) with
13. A) plentiful B) scarce C) abundant D) in full supply
14. A) they can be B) can they be C) they must be D) must they be
15. A) are led to B) leads C) lead to D) leads to
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-06


说的是资源(钱),资源总是有限的.所以用limited.同前面的相呼应 the people's and nation's (wants.)排比,前一个用的Those,所以这里也是Those整句的意思是提供给我们自己来满足我们的需求,所以要用ourselves第一个扩张和第二个扩展都不适合,后两个似乎都可以用.但人口增长用Grow更好.用never是对的,如前所述,资源永远是不足的.board of Direcors 是固定用法,公司的董事会找到分配的方法,这种方法绝不只是一个,所以用methods. 如果选项是ways而不是way,也可以. abundance 是名词,不可数,用形容词修饰,所以用such. such    that  是如此的…以至于感觉,找不出原因.都有实际上的意思,但只有in reality是现实中的实际情况,而不是从经验得来的.理解整句的意思是:对于纳税人来说.所以用for因为后一句是只有付出努力和金钱才能……,所以现在是缺乏的.用B:scarce.Only引导要倒装,can they be.这个我倒是觉着用C更合适.leads to是三单.而前面的主语是 needs and demands如果是单独的一个用三单没有问题,因为needs和demands虽然有s,但都是不可数名词.希望能对你有所帮助.
再问: 嗯,大多数明白了,请问第三题为什么不能用others; 第5题讲人口增长不是一般用population growth或者是the population has increased 么,为什么这里又用grow了? 第9题,我查百度词典写abundance是可数名词。。。 第10题,不太明白这句话的意思,能不能麻烦翻一下这句句子,谢谢。 还有两个问题见补充问题,谢谢!
再答: 用了others,就是指所有剩下的。但这里只是说那些我们负担不起的,所以用Those。 growth 是名词,这里应该用动词,所以用grow。 我后面还有一个解释:such……that (把资源分成两类,免费的和经济的(收费的))对经济类的,(要进行)短缺研究并要做些事情。 11,这两个词都是从经验上得到的,而in reality实现四客观存在的,用在这里最适合。 12,污染使清洁的空气和水更昂贵了,因为生产者要花费额外的投资。对于给政府交税用于政府参与环境治理的税人来说, 在复合句中,如果从句的only提前,则主句要倒装。