英语翻译1.我们想在平等的基础上与你们建立业务关系 2.我们每增加200张纸,可增加1%的佣金 3.这批衬衫使用硬纸箱包


1.我们想在平等的基础上与你们建立业务关系 2.我们每增加200张纸,可增加1%的佣金 3.这批衬衫使用硬纸箱包装,可节省运费 4.我们想为这批陶瓷投综合性保险 5.近来由于诸多因素,包装逐渐成为一项重要的营销手段 6.通过这些计划,该银行参与了发展中国家的经济发展项目 7.除了巨大的成本之外,该项目也会花费很多的时间 8.许多政府建立关税壁垒来获取舶来品 9.我们有理由向你方提出索赔 10.若贵方能长期供应这种产品.我们将大量购货 11.这批货物将由下个月第一班直达轮船运送 12.明天我们将把合同一式三份寄给你方 13.我们将借此机会向您介绍我们的业务范围 14.买方对货物提出索赔100万英镑 15.根据索赔条款,卖方应对货物的低劣质量或是质量改变进行赔偿 16.当一方不履行合同时,另一方就有权撤销合同 17.上述货物被我方海关整体扣留,很抱歉,目前我们不能发合同号为315号的货 18.销售目标应根据产品对象进行安排
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-19


1we would like to on the basis of equality and establish business relationship with you.2 we each increase of200 sheets of paper,can increase 1%3 Commission these shirts are packed in cardboard cartons,can save freight4 we want for this batch of ceramic cast comprehensive insurance5recently due to many factors,packaging has gradually become an important means of marketing6 through these programs,the banks involved in the economic development of the developing countries in addition to the enormous cost of project 7,the project will also spend a lot of time 8many government establish tariff barriers to obtain import9we have reason to file a claim against you for the10if you can supply this product.We will place a large order11 this batch of goods will be the next month the first nonstop shipped12tomorrow we will send three copies of the contract we are sending you13we will take this opportunity to introduce you to our business scope 14buyer's claim on goods100000015 according to the clause of claim,the seller should the inferior quality of the goods or quality change for16when one party fails to perform the contract,the other party has the right to cancel the contract17 of the aforementioned goods are our overall withholding customs,I'm sorry,we can't send the contract number is315.18 sales target according to the product should be object arrangement