

看到我的发表成绩真的很伤心,但又是在意料之中的.来到异国他乡,我把主要的精力用在韩国语学习上,英语实力慢慢的下降了.发表的时候,面对那么多韩国人,心里还是过于紧张.虽然英语实力低,但我从来不应负,每次通过自己的努力认真完成发表,积极的参与上课,认真完成作业.(我只缺过一次勤,因为家里有事回了趟中国.) 冲着我的积极学习态度,希望你能照顾一下同样身为外国人的我.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-05


I felt really sad to see my published grades. But it was not totally unprepared. I mainly focused on learning Korean when I came to this foreign country, therefore my English strength is decliing. When publishing in front of so many Koreans, I was really nervous. Although i'm not good at English, i never give up on myself. Every time i finish the work through my own efforts, participate in class actively and finish my homework conscientiously. (I'm only absent from school once because i had to go back to China to deal with a family matter.) Considering my positive attitude of learning, I hope that you can take care of me as I'm a foreigner in this country too. Thank you very much!
If you go to Qingdao next time, I hope I can have the opportunity to entertain you.
Merry Christmas!

再问: Considering my positive attitude of learning, I hope that you can take care of me as I'm a foreigner in this country too. 这句话 让老外看的话 他能懂我什么意思?
再答: 你看这样行不:同为异乡人,彼此多照顾。 As we are both foreigners in this country, i hope we can take care of each other.
再问: 我照顾他什么。?? 我求人家照顾的嘛 我觉得至少会拿到85分(B+)以上的最终成绩。希望你会给我至少B+以上的成绩。(这句话怎么翻译)
再答: 那就用help好了 Considering my positive attitude of learning, I hope that you can help me as we are both foreigners in this country. 翻译句子:I think i can at least get a B+ as a final grade. I hope that you can give me a grade better than B+.