英语翻译Abstract It is well known that help prompts shape howuse


Abstract It is well known that help prompts shape how
users talk to spoken dialogue systems.This study investigated
the effect of help prompt placement on older users’
interaction with a smart home interface.In the dynamic
help condition,help was only given in response to system
errors; in the inherent help condition,it was also given at
the start of each task.Fifteen older and sixteen younger
users interacted with a smart home system using two different
scenarios.Each scenario consisted of several tasks.
The linguistic style users employed to communicate with
the system (interaction style) was measured using the ratio
of commands to the overall utterance length (keyword
ratio) and the percentage of content words in the user’s
utterance that could be understood by the system (shared
vocabulary).While the timing of help prompts did not
affect the interaction style of younger users,it was early
task-specific help supported older users in adapting their
interaction style to the system’s capabilities.Well-placed
help prompts can significantly increase the usability of
spoken dialogue systems for older people.
Keywords:Spoken dialogue systems ,Usability ,
Older adults ,Smart homes ,Help prompts
1 Introduction
Although spoken dialogue interfaces should be as intuitive
to use as possible,most users,and in particular novices,
still need explicit help with navigating the interaction.The
question remains when this help should be given.Do users
benefit from inherent help prompts,where guidance on
interacting with the system is given at the start of each
relevant interaction,or is it sufficient to provide help
prompts dynamically,i.e.,only when problems arise?In
voice interfaces,spoken help prompts fulfil two main
• Clarification of the Task Model:Help prompts can
explain the system’s model of the task,list the objects
that the system recognises,and describe what can be
done with them.
• Clarification of the Interaction Style:Help prompts
model how users need to speak so that the system can
understand them,and indicate which vocabulary should
be used and which syntactic structure the commands
should have.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-15


众所周知,帮助提示(help prompts)体现用户与口语对话系统的交流方式.这项研究调查了帮助提示在老年人用户与智能家居交流互动过程中的作用.在动态帮助状态下,帮助仅会对系统错误做出反应;在交互帮助状态下,在每一个任务开始他也会提供帮助,十五名老年人用户和十六名年轻人用户在两个不同场景下与智能家居系统进行互动.每一个场景都包含数个任务.用户与系统的交流所使用的言语模式(交互模式)通过指令语所占整句长度的比例(关键词比例)以及用户语言中能被系统识别的字词百分比(共享词汇)进行测量.尽管帮助提示的产生时机并未对年轻人用户的交互模式产生影响,任务开始时产生的帮助提示有效地帮助老年人用户调整其与系统的交互模式使得系统更好地发挥出其性能.适当时机出现的帮助提示可以大大提高言语对话系统对于老年人的可用性.
1 介绍
· 解释任务模式:帮助提示可以解释系统任务的模式,罗列出系统能够识别出的对象以及对其可作出的相关动作