并且说明各自的优缺点  中文意思;是我想太多,这个伤心的理由,太晚我才懂,爱了你太多,你却不懂我! 


并且说明各自的优缺点  中文意思;是我想太多,这个伤心的理由,太晚我才懂,爱了你太多,你却不懂我! 以下几句都是一个意思,请说明哪个最好?为什么? 1.I thought too much for the sad reason,I know it too late.I love you so deep,but you don't understand me. 2.It is I that think too much about the breakheart reason.It is too late to know that I loved you so much but you really don`t understand me 3.I thought too much,I knew the reason let me sad too late.I love you very much,but you don't understand me! 4.Mabye I had thought too much ,I understand this sad reason too late.I love you deeply,but,you don't understand me! 句子哪个写的精简 颓废 伤感的最好 意思不能错!
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-28


.I thought too much for the sad reason,I know it too late.I love you so deep,but you don't understand me.太多I 开头.如果想押头韵请换别的词.deep错了.
2.It is I that think too much about the breakheart reason.It is too late to know that I loved you so much but you really don`t understand me.啰嗦,别扭,awkward.两个分句用痛一个句式但对得又不工整而且很简单的句子用这么复杂的结构,一看就知道是中国人写的,炫耀语法好咩!
3.I thought too much,I knew the reason let me sad too late.I love you very much,but you don't understand me!居然还套个从句!跟上面一样,炫耀语法好咩.说出来文绉绉的,一看就知道是中国人写的.
4.Mabye I had thought too much ,I understand this sad reason too late.I love you deeply,but,you don't understand me!简单的意思就用简单的句式,简洁明了.正是因为简单所以深刻.你要的什么伤感精简颓废都有.而且描写感情拳拳到肉.对比第一句,开头有may be,加了点颓废感.deeply没错.but有逗号表停顿给人欲言又止之感,够伤感.