中译英 语法要对1北方的气候比南方的气候冷一些 2我从来没有见过比这个更危险的事情 3他们的学习比他的学校著名多了 4我


中译英 语法要对
1北方的气候比南方的气候冷一些 2我从来没有见过比这个更危险的事情 3他们的学习比他的学校著名多了 4我们是越来越开心了 5你练习的越多,你学习就会越好 6当他昨天来我家时,我正在吃晚饭 7当他们在写信的时候,我们在读报纸 8任务一完成,我们就会回家(用五种形式:as soon as,the moment ,the minture ,the instant,immeditant) 9当你明天出发去广州的时候,我们将正在读书 10价钱越来越高了,东西越来越贵了
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-03


1. The climate in the North is colder than that in the South.
2. I have never seen more dangerous event than this one.
3. Their studies are much more famous than his school.
4. We feel more and more happy.
5. The more you practice, the better you learn.
6. When he come to my house yesterday, I was having my dinner.
7. When they were writing letters, we were reading the newspapers.
8. As soon as we finish the task, we’ll go home.
The moment we finish the task, we’ll go home.
The minute we finish the task, we’ll go home.
The instant we finish the task, we’ll go home.
Immediately when we finish the task, we’ll go home
9. When you are leaving for Guangzhou tomorrow, we shall be reading books.
10. The price is higher and higher but the things are more and more expensive.