

1:是不是:having done, doing, to be doing但是这又与被动形式如何对应呢?
2如果having done对应having been done,doing对应done,to be doing 对应to be done那being done 又对应主动形式的什么呢?
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-06


1 (主动或不及物) having done,doing和to be doing的对应形式是(被动)having been done,being done和to be being done
2 done的对应形式绝对不是doing:
Done well / Well done,the work pleases the boss a lot .-------- 强调“被动”的概念.
Doing his work busily,the workman can't go out for lunch.--------强调“主动”的概念,表达“正在- -- ”
Sleeping soundly in his room,he didn't hear or see what was happening outside --------强调“正在- -- ”,属于不及物.
Being repaired at the moment,my car isn't available for use.--------强调“正在被- - - ”,属于及物.
再问: 1doing表示现在正在发生,及对应现在发生的被动——being done
2:to be done这种被动形式是不是表示将要发生的被动?那它对应的主动形式又是什么呢(即表示将要发生的主动形式又是什么)?
3done与having been done都表示已经完成的被动,那二者又有什么区别呢?
4如果having done对应having been done,那done对应的主动形式又是什么呢?
再答: 1doing表示现在正在发生,及对应现在发生的被动——being done ------ 对。
Doing his work, he isn't able to come out for you.
Being done now, the design is not yet ready.
2 :to be done这种被动形式是不是表示将要发生的被动?那它对应的主动形式又是什么呢---------
A 往往出现在复合谓语里面:
His work seems to be well done ------- He seems to do his work well.
B 表将来,做定语:
The work to be done tomorrow is important and has to be done carefully.
The man to do the work next week is from the government
3 done与having been done都表示已经完成的被动,那二者又有什么区别呢?
Built 40 years ago, this bridge needs rebuilding == This bridge, built 40 years ago, needs rebuilding --------done的形式在我看来,是定语前置/定语前移。
Hving been built for 40 years, this bridge still looks good and modern. -------- having been done的形式是做状语结构。