英语翻译我只喜欢那个叫贾斯汀比伯的帅气男孩.爱你爱得无法自拔,因为我们知道,你成功是因为你Down To Earth.多


我只喜欢那个叫贾斯汀比伯的帅气男孩.爱你爱得无法自拔,因为我们知道,你成功是因为你Down To Earth.多少次,你走进我的梦乡,多希望这一刻变成现实.每次总是向不知道你或不熟悉你的人兴高采烈地介绍你,介绍一个叫贾斯汀比伯的男孩.看到电视上或电脑上有你的出现,马上目不转睛地盯着看,因为我们爱你.听到你可能要来中国的消息,高兴得不知道东南西北,甚至忘了自己是谁.做事想要放弃时,想到你的Never Say Never,又会斗志重燃.鼓足了勇气要给你写这封信,即使知道自己英语水平不够好,即使知道你可能没有时间回信,只是想要告诉我最爱的比伯:在中国,你有成千上万爱你的粉丝,希望你到中国一趟,看看我们这些爱你的粉丝!无论你变得成熟,也无论你变得文中,你依旧是我们的Baby.(如果这是一封信,那我希望有时间的话可以回复)
英语部分不用改,其它部分语法不要错误就OK,什么在线词典这些就不要翻了- -
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-24



I only like the handsome boy named Justin Bieber. I love you more than anything, because we know your sucess began with Down To Earth. Many times, you visited me in my dreams, and if only those dreams could become reality. All the time, I introduce you to people who're not very familiar with you. I introduce to them a boy named Justin Bieber. Whenever you appear on television or on my computer, I fix all my attention to the screen, because I'm a part of your dedicated fan base.

When we heard you might be coming to China, we were so happy we almost forgot who we were. Your song, Never Say never, gives us motivation whenever we want to give up. Today, I finally gather up the courage to write you this letter, even though I know my English isn't very good, and even though I know you may not have time to reply. I just want to tell you, my dearest Bieber, that in China you have thousands of loyal fans who very much wish you can come for a tour, so you can visit all those who love you in this country. Lastly I want to let you know that whether you mature or become more earnest, you'll always be our Baby.

要翻译的话,那就是 If this is a letter, then I hope that you can reply when you have time.

另外,希望你会收到一个回复、也希望他会来中国以便让你们会有机会见到他. :)