The boy is my brother.He is playing basketball


The boy is my brother.He is playing basketball
Rosa is the girl.She invited me to her party.
Did you see the man?He helped the old man just now.
The car isred.The movie star is draving the car.
The pen is mine.Tony has taken this pen away.
The movie is interesting.I saw the movie last night.
The vegetables are fresh.My mother bought them yesterday.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-23


Rosa is the girl who/that invited me to her party.
Did you see the man who/that helped the old man just now
The car that/which the movie star is driving is red.

再问: The boy is my brother.He is playing basketball
再答: Rosa is the girl who/that invited me to her party. 露莎是邀请我去她的派对的那个女孩。Did you see the man who/that helped the old man just now ?你看见刚刚帮助这位老人的男人吗?The car that/which the movie star is driving is red.电影明星正在驾驶的车子是红色的。The boy who is playing basketball is my brother.正在打篮球的那个男孩是我的兄弟。
再问: 将以上句子改写成为含有定语从句的复合句并翻译The pen is mine. Tony has taken this pen away.
The movie is interesting. I saw the movie last night.
The vegetables are fresh. My mother bought them yesterday.
再答: The pen which Tony has taken away is mine. 托尼拿走了的那只笔是我的。
The movie that i saw last night is interesting.我昨晚看得那部电影很有趣。
The vegetables which my mother bought yesterday are fresh.我妈妈昨天买的蔬菜很新鲜。