

大概内容是这样的:《进击的巨人》是一部让人热血沸腾(或热血)的日本漫画,开播于2013年4月份.它讲述了在两千年前巨人捕食人类,因此人类筑起了高耸巨大的城墙,以阻止巨人的侵略.但在(看似平常的)某一天,巨人终于冲过了墙壁,开始袭击人类.而故事的主角——少年艾伦·耶格尔 向往自由、向往墙壁外面的世界,并在其母亲被杀后发誓(或下定决心)要把巨人全部驱除出去.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-09-27


" Attack on Titan" is a blood Japanese anime ,launched in April 2013 .It tells the story of two thousand years ago,the giant prey on humans ,so humans huge towering walls erected to prevent the giants aggression.But one day ,the giants finally crossed the wall ,began to attack humans .The protagonist of the story teenager Eren Jaeger yearning for freedom and the wall outside world ,and his mother was killed vowed to get rid of all the Giants out.And I was impressed by its giant responsible for the investigation against the Corps ,the captains of the war led by Levi special operations squad in addition to the battle with the giants and Eren,Levi outside ,all died when soldiers are still long silent continue fighting scenes.In a few minutes ago ,Petora Raru,Aoluou and the other people,they talked and laughed ,the next second they died.I understand from this story :not that we should cry bitter companions died ,but he left behind should inherit the will to live strong .
"You have been very active .Then,henceforth will remain active indefinitely.Because you will be giving me leave " power " I agree I will extinct the giant with you !
再问: 请问可不可以再帮我翻译几句:虽然他们(利威尔班的人)实力都很强,但是在没有“最强人类”利威尔兵长的保护下,他们还是战死了。最后,向自由致敬!利威尔兵长看到同伴们的尸体时并没有落泪,但这并不是说他很冷血(或没有感情,或不伤心),而是因为他要背负起死去的同伴的意志,继续活下去、继续战斗。利威尔兵长是被誉为“最强人类”的男人,他的实力很强。但他还是来晚了一步。(还有几句过会再发)
再答: 追问的段落:Although they are strong, but there is no "most powerful man" Levi protection, they are still killed .Finally, pay tribute to freedom! When Levi was seeing the bodies of his companions ,he did not cry, but this is not to say that he was not sad, because he is starting to bear dead companions will, continue to live, continue fighting. Levi known as "the most powerful man," he is very powerful. But he still come one step too late. 还有上面补充的问题: The story made me cry, because some people have been dead , the other alive poople still have to live, this is the cruel truth of the world, just like Levi class's death, Levi and Eren still have to live, but lost girl that help Levi to pour coffee when shi is smiling, one less always imitate his tone and movement of people, a few simple and honest, but very reliable in the critical moment, one less leadership than he better calm the people