英语翻译IntroductionThe rapid growth of the U.S.foreign-born pop


The rapid growth of the U.S.foreign-born population poses new challenges to tuberculosis prevention.Most tuberculosis cases in this population are preventable because they result from reactivated latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI),rather than new primary infections.(1)The foreign-born account for almost 50% of tuberculosis cases in the United States,(2)and treatment of LTBI in immigrants is central to tuberculosis elimination.(3,4)
Recommended treatment for LTBI is(9)months of isoniazid,(5)but because of poor adherence and increas-ing isoniazid resistance,(6–8) shorter,rifampin-based reg-imens have been developed.In April 2000,the Ameri-can Thoracic Society and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published new guide-lines for LTBI treatment that included 2 months of rifampinplus pyrazinamide (RIF/PZA) as an alternative.(5)RIF/PZA was advocated to improve adherence in mobile populations of recent immigrants,the homeless,andthe incarcerated.(5)
Soon after guideline publication,there were 23 reports of severe hepatitis from RIF/PZA,five fatal.(9,10)Revised guidelines recommend that RIF/PZA not be used as the first-line treatment for LTBI,but used only if patients are unlikely to complete a longer treatment and can be monitored with bi-weeklyliver function tests and clinical exams.(10,11)Patients must receive information about hepatotoxicity in theirnative language.(9,10)Despite potential hepatotoxicity,a recent decision analysis predicted that RIF/PZA would be more effective and less costly for tuberculosis prevention in immigrants from countries with high rates of isoniazid resistance.(12)
This article describes clinical,cultural,and economic issues that were raised by use of RIF/PZA for LTBI during an outbreak of isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis among Mexican immigrants,and addresses the following questions:What is the incidence of hepatotoxicity?Does treatment with RIF/PZA result in CDC’s target completion rate of 85%?(5)Do health departments have the resources to provide close monitoring?
Description of Outbreak
In July 2001,a 26-year-old Mexican-born male was diagnosed with isoniazid-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis in DeKalb County,Illinois.The County Health Department conducted a contact investigation and prescribed 2 months of RIF/PZA for contacts with LTBI.RIF/PZA was used because the index case was isoniazid resistant,and because the health department was concerned about adherence to 4 months of rifampin since many of the contacts worked in agriculture and were considering relocating after September.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-06


再问: 你好,可否告诉我哦你的邮箱?我想请你帮我翻译整篇文献。不用担心我的财富不够,系统已经将悬赏的财富扣了,即使我关闭问题,财富也会被扣,不过我很急,整篇文献的悬赏有七百多。
再答: 先来这一段: 简介 美国移民人口的快速增长给肺结核预防工作带来了新的挑战。这些人口中的多数肺结核病例都可以预防,因为它们来自潜伏结核感染的重新激活而不是新的原发感染。(1)移民占了美国肺结核病例几乎50%,(2)对潜伏结核感染的移民进行医治是消灭肺结核的中心任务。对潜伏结核感染的建议治疗方案是数个月的异烟肼,但是由于弱依从性和不断增长的异烟肼抗性,因此有了治疗周期更短的基于利福平的生活制度的方案。2000年4月,美国胸科学会和疾病控制预防中心发布了新的潜伏结核感染的治疗指南,包括两个月的利福平和吡嗪酰胺(RIF/PZA)的可选方案,并声称RIF/PZA可以提高近期的移民中的流动人口、无家可归者、和被监禁的犯人的依从性。该指南发布后不久后,发生了由RIF/PZA导致的23例严重肝炎,其中5人死亡。修改过的指南建议不再使用RIF/PZA作为治疗LTBI的首选方案,而仅可用于在病人不太可能承受长期治疗的情况下使用,并对病人每两个星期进行一次肝功能测试和临床检查。必须用病人的母语告知肝炎的有关信息。尽管可能导致肝炎,一个最近的决策分析预测道,RIF/PZA对于来自高异烟肼抗性的国家的移民可能更有效并且不那么昂贵。本文描述了由于对墨西哥移民中爆发的异烟肼抗性肺结核的治疗而带来的临床的、文化的、以及经济方面的问题,并解答了如下问题:肝炎的发生率如何?采用RIF/PZA治疗会使CDC的目标完成率达到85%吗?卫生部门有足够资源来提供严密的监测吗? 爆发情况的描述 2001年7月,一名26岁的墨西哥移民男子在伊利诺州DeKalb县被诊断出患有异烟肼抗性的肺结核。该县卫生部门对和该病人有接触的人口作了调查并开处方对这些有接触的人采取两个月的RIF/PZA治疗。使用RIF/PZA是因为该索引病例有异烟肼抗性,而且卫生部门担心对利福平的依从性会达到4个月,因为很多从事农业的接触人口都打算9月之后搬家至其他地区。