英语翻译Bill Clinton has also learned how to use chopsticks so a


Bill Clinton has also learned how to use chopsticks so as to be able to show off at the state banquet in Beijing.
Ever since Richard Nixon first visited China in 1972,every successive US president has visited China,Learning to use chopsticks has been an important lesson for all of them,because it is not only a part of gastronomic culture,but also a political art,a "small trick"to show of and win the host's pleasure.
Nixon had set the example for American presidents to pay attention to the art of using chopsticks,Which was also a conversation topic at the sate banquet during his visit,This,just like the shots of Nixon downing Maotai,was televised throughout the world,From then on all American presidents visiting China have tried their best to show off their skill in suing chopsticks.
Nothing gave the Nixons more delight than to be praised by their host for their skill in using chopsticks,It takes much time and hard work for a westerner to master the technique of using chopsticks if he does not want to make blunders,President Nixon had taken the matter very seriously,He had inquired from the president of Pakistan about what kind of chopsticks were used at state banquets in Beijing and how many courses there usually were,and then he started to seriously practise with similar chopsticks and to hold dress rehearsals.
The two countries had not established diplomatic relations when Nixon first visited China,so his visit was not an official sate visit,but nevertheless he was meticulous with every single minor detail,Later US presidents visiting China followed his example and paid special attention to minor details.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-08

