英语翻译1.3 About ActiveX EXEsActiveX EXEs are a feature of Visu


1.3 About ActiveX EXEs
ActiveX EXEs are a feature of Visual Basic 5 and Visual Basic 6 development.They are code library DLLs that can also be run as an executable.ActiveX EXEs differ from traditional DLLs in several ways:
· Run in their own process.Whereas normal DLLs run in the memory process of their parent application,ActiveX EXEs run in their own process.This means they show up as separate applications in Task Manager.It also means ActiveX EXEs are slower than DLLs since Windows has to do extra work to marshal variables when they are passed to and from an ActiveX EXE.
· Class instancing.ActiveX EXEs have two class instancing modes not available to normal DLLs and executables:SingleUse and GlobalSingleUse,both of which ensure that a separate copy of the class is loaded into memory whenever an instance is created.
· Remote execution.It is possible to invoke classes in an ActiveX EXE on a remote computer.In Visual Basic 5 and Visual Basic 6,the only other way to execute code on a remote computer was by creating DLLs hosted in Microsoft Transaction Server.
· Multi-threading.Because ActiveX EXEs run in their own process,they are allocated their own thread.In theory,this enables multi-threading in a Visual Basic 5 or Visual Basic 6 application.In practice,this is problematic since the calling application must wait for the called method in the ActiveX EXE to finish execution before continuing,giving a user-experience that is the same as a single-threaded application.
The two most common uses for ActiveX EXEs are for running code on remote computers and for creating executables that also act as a code library.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-12-01


约1.3的ActiveX exes
ActiveX的exes的一大特色Visual Basic的5和实践Visual Basic 6的发展.他们是代码库的DLL也能办成一个可执行程序. ActiveX的exes不同于传统的DLL在几个方面:
运行在自己的进程.而正常运行的DLL在记忆过程中的其母公司应用, ActiveX的exes来说,在自己的进程.这意味着,他们显示了作为单独的应用程序在任务经理.这也意味着ActiveX的exes是慢的DLL因为Windows必须做额外的工作,以元帅变数时,他们是通过从一个ActiveX exe文件.
一流的实例. ActiveX的exes有两个阶级实例存储模式,并不适用于一般DLL和可执行文件: singleuse和globalsingleuse ,这两项研究确保一个单独的副本每班装载到内存中,每当一个实例是创建.
远程执行.这是有可能援引班,在一个ActiveX的EXE对远程计算机.在Visual Basic中五及Visual Basic 6中,只有其他方式执行代码,对远程计算机是通过创建的DLL主办微软交易服务器.
多线程.因为ActiveX的exes来说,在自己的过程中,他们分配自己的论题.从理论上讲,这使多线程在Visual Basic中五或Visual Basic 6应用程序.在实践中,这是有问题,因为要求申请者必须等待那个所谓的方法在ActiveX的EXE完成执行,然后继续操作,让用户体验是一样的单一线程应用.
两种最常见的用途的ActiveX exes正在运行代码远程计算机上,并创造可执行文件,也可作为代码库.