

section 1:using historical evidence - conditions for children in the factories and mills
source A (by robert blincoe,an orphan who worked in the mills as an apprentice from the age of 7 )
they reached the mill about half past five ( in the morning ) .the moment he entered the doors ,the noise appalled him ,and the stench seemed intolerable.the task given him was to pick up the loose cotton that fall upon the floor .apparently nothing could be easier and he set to eagerly ,although much terrified by the machinery,and not a little affected by the dust and flue (fluff) with which he was half suffocated .unused to the stench he soon felt sick and ,by constantly stooping,his back ached .he therefore sat down ,but this he soon found was strictly forbidden .his taskmaster gave him to understand he must keep to his legs .he did so,till twelve o'clock .blincoe suffered greatly with thirst and hunger.
source B ( by Andrew Ure ,a science professor in 1835 )
i have vistited many factories ,both in manchester and the surrounding districts ,during a period of several months ...and i never saw a single instance of corporal punishment inflicted on a child ...the children always seemed to be cheerful and alert ,taking pleasure in using their muscles ...at the end of the day's work ...they showed no sign of being exhausted .
corporal punishment = beating
1,study sourceA
a,describe carefully what you can learn about robert's experience in the mill.
b,what does this tell you about children's working conditions?
2,why do you think source A and source B give such different impressions of children working in the factories explain your answer carefully with reference to both sources .
3,how far does source B support the evidence in source A Explain your answer carefully with reference to both sources .give a clear developed / explained judgement as to how far .
Section 2:empathy
you are a yong person living in an industrial town in 1838 .write a letter to afriend about your life in the town .
- firstly ,you will descrive the details of your life and your living conditions.
- Secondly ,you will explain the impact that this has on your life and how you feel about it .
- If you want to be a real star ,explain the postitives and negatives about your life in your final paregraph .
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-22


section 1:历史证据--工厂和纺织厂内儿童的工作环境
source A (来自robert blincoe,一个从7岁开始在纺织厂做学徒工的孤儿)
source B ( 来自Andrew Ure ,1835年的一个科学教授)
corporal punishment = beating 体罚(well,这只是注释)
1,阅读 sourceA
2,你认为为什么source A 和source B 反映出的孩子们在工厂里的工作状况如此不同?联系两个source,解释你的观点.
3,how far does source B support the evidence in source A Explain your answer carefully with reference to both sources .give a clear developed / explained judgement as to how far .(我真的不想翻这个了,这个就是reliability question我确定你能看得懂题目啦)
Section 2:感同身受?
- 首先,你要详细介绍自己的生活细节和生存环境
- 其次,你要解释以上情况对你的生活造成的影响和你的感受
- 如果能力允许,在最后一段阐述你生活收到的正面和负面影响
这明显是个Source Based Question吧这是哪儿的考题啊?