25.Everybody knows that the ------ you study,the ------ resu


25.Everybody knows that the ______ you study,the ______ result you will get.
A.hard,good B.harder,better C.hardest,best D.hardly,better
26.How much would you like to _______ a pair of new shoes?
A.buy for B.spend in C.cost to D.pay for
27.I visited the museum yesterday and I saw ______ old inventions there.
A.thousand of B.two thousands C.thousands of D.three thousands of
28.I gave her three gifts but he didn’t accept ______ of them,which made me unhappy.
A.either B.none C.any D.every
29.The river is nearly _________________.So you cannot jump across it.
A.10-metre-deep B.10 metres wide C.10 km long D.10 metres deep
30.The population of our country is _______ theirs.
A.twice as many as B.as twice many as C.twice as large as D.twice as large as that of
31.Of all the students Li Ming works _________.
A.hard B.harder C.hardest D.most hard
32.Soon the policemen ______ who stole the money,they searched the whole city and caught the thief.
A.found B.founded C.find out D.found out
33.— How long have you worked here?—Since I ______ college.
A.have left B.left C.leave D.leaved
34.I am still hungry,would you please be kind enough to give me _____ food?
A.any more B.any C.some more D.another
35.I don’t think he can speak English,________?
A.do you B.can he C.don’t you D.can’t he
36.—Must I finish my homework tomorrow?—No,you ____________.
A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.aren’t D.must
37.Your computer needs ________.
A.to mend B.mending C.to be mend D.to mended
38.He used to watch TV while ________ his homework..
A.was doing B.doing C.did D.to do
39.You should try to use _____ time and do the work _____.
A.few,well B.little,good C.less,better D.fewer,better.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-19


25B 26D 27C 28C 29B 30C 31C 32D 33B 34C 35B 36A 37C 38B 39C