

巴士迎面而来.人群簇拥上去.我被人群推推搡搡的挤上了本以挤不上人的公交车.车门在我身后关上.车马上就开动了.从身上掏出交通卡,然后我面对拥挤着整个车厢的人群,犯起了疑惑.我穿过拥挤的人群去到售票处或者售票员来到我的面前好像都不怎么现实.“前面的乘客麻烦把票传过来了好吗?” 传过去?这更不现实吧?谁知到这卡或者是这钱递出去了之后最终会到那里?不过看样子好像是售票员充满了信心,这些好像一定会按照他想象的到他那里然后再回到我们的手上.我暗笑他的自信.不过更想知道他的自信到底是从哪里而来.“一起,好么?”有人把他的交通卡递给了我.好吧,看样子我应该像他一样试试,如果他也像售票员一样有足够的自信的话.我把两张交通卡地给了我前头的那人,然后就看到有几张卡加入了进来,一直传到了售票员那里.之后,又经过一个个人的手里,最终又回到了我的手里.我把他的交通卡递还给他,然后就听到他轻声说了一句“谢谢”.我笑了.车又到站,认识的不认识的人上车下车.一阵拥闹之后车缓缓起步.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-09-18


Oncoming bus.Surrounded by the crowd up.I was pushing and shoving in the crowd squeezed into the present in order to squeeze the bus is not Exalted.Shut the door behind me.Car immediately started.Body pulled from a transport card,and then I face the crowd crowded the whole car,played a doubt guilty.I walked through the crowd to go to the ticket office or the conductor came to my front do not like how the reality."In front of passengers pass over the trouble to vote please?" Biography in the past?This is even more unrealistic,right?Who would have thought that this card or is this money will eventually be handed out after there?It looks as if the conductor,but full of confidence,
Oncoming bus.Surrounded by the crowd up.I was pushing and shoving in the crowd squeezed into the present in order to squeeze the bus is not Exalted.Shut the door behind me.Car immediately started.Body pulled from a transport card,and then I face the crowd crowded the whole car,played a doubt guilty.I walked through the crowd to go to the ticket office or the conductor came to my front do not like how the reality."In front of passengers pass over the trouble to vote please?" Biography in the past?This is even more unrealistic,right?Who would have thought that this card or is this money will eventually be handed out after there?It looks as if the conductor,but full of confidence,
Him,then heard him softly say "Thank you." I smiled.Also the station car,know people who do not know get off the bus.After a while pro-car slowly started trouble.....