英语翻译Why Do Girls and Boys Learn Differently?1 Do you believe


Why Do Girls and Boys Learn Differently?
1 Do you believe that only boys do well in science?Does it seem to you that girls have better vocabularies than boys?If your answers are"yes",you may be right,according to an article in Current Science.While it is important to read things with an open mind,here are some of the article's findings.
2 On average,males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning,mechanical ability,and problem-solving skills.Females,on the other hand ,do better on tests measuring vocabulary,spelling,and memory.
3 Usually,too,baby girls talk at an earlier age than boys do.Scientists think there is a physical reason for this.They believe that nerves in the left side of the brain develop faster in girls than in boys.It is this side of the brain that strongly influences a person's ability to use words,to spell,and to remember.
4 According to the article,by the time they start school,little girls have an advantage that boys do not have:girls are physically more ready to remember facts,to spell,to spell,and to read.These,of course,are skills that are very important as children first begin school.
5 What,then,is happening with boys during their years before starting school?Some people say that society is teaching them to be more forceful than girls.A forceful person is said to be unafraid of questioning others,and to be an independent thinker.
6 What produces such force in little boys?It has long been assumed that it is the result of chemistry in the male body.Scientists today,however,believe that there are other,outside,factors too.They say such force is learned from parents.
7 A team of researchers discovered that there are strong differences between how boys and girls are raised:while daughters in their study were often kept close to their parents,sons were encour-aged to move on their own and to develop independence.
8 As a result,it is easy to understand why little girls often perform school tasks better than boys,especially if the task requires sitting still,obeying orders,and accepting the teacher's ideas.A girl may do very well in school,while a boy the same age may bring home lower marks.Why,then,do so few girls become great scientists?
9 While boys are taught in society to be more forceful,and to solve problems themselves,girls,on the other hand,are not encouraged to be this way.Girls,therefore,are often limited to getting high marks in school for remembering what the teacher has told them,instead of being allowed to question without fear like boys.
10 In today's world,most people believe that this situation is wrong,and that there is a solution:if men and women were both encouraged to learn and to solve problems in the same ways,more room would be available in society for new ideas from everyone.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-04


1 你相信只有男孩子很好科学吗?它看上去你有女孩比男孩更好的词汇吗?如果你的答案是"是",你可能是对的在当前的 Science.While 的一篇文章很重要东西以开放的心态读,这里有一些文章的结果.
2 平均男性高分数衡量数学推理、 机械能力和解决问题的能力的测试.女性,在测试词汇、 拼写和记忆另一方面,做得更好.
3 通常情况下,太,女婴在聊天比男生更早的时候.科学家们认为有一个物理原因.他们相信在左侧大脑的神经在女孩比男孩更快地发展.它是大脑的强烈地影响我们对使用字词拼写,并记住一个人的能力的这一边.
4 根据第条,他们上学的时候小女孩都男孩不这样做的好处有:女孩子们身体更愿意记住拼写、 拼写,和阅读的事实.当然,这些都非常重要,因为孩子们第一次开始学校的技能.
5 什麼,然後,在他们年之前开始上学期间发生事情跟男孩吗?有些人说社会在教他们能够比女孩更有力.一个有力的人说是不怕别人,质疑,并要独立思考的能力.
6、 什麼会产生这种力量的小男孩?长期以来一直认为它是化学在男性身体中的结果.科学家今天,不过,相信有其他外部因素太.他们说这种力量汲取了父母.
7 一队研究人员发现有强如何提高男孩和女孩之间的差异:虽然女儿学业中的往往都没有对他们的父母,儿子们装备老年人自己移动并制定独立.
8 结果,它很容易理解为什麼小女孩经常执行学校任务优於男生,尤其是如果任务需要仍坐、 服从命令,和接受老师的想法.一个女孩可能在学校,很好做虽然男孩同年龄可能带来家庭较低分数.那麼,为什麼这样几个女孩子变得伟大的科学家吗?
9 虽然男孩教授在社会中更有力,并解决自己的问题,女孩,另一方面,不鼓励这种方式.因此,女孩,往往局限于记住什麼老师已告诉他们,而不是问题不用担心像男孩一样被允许在学校获得高分.
10 在当今世界中,大多数人认为这种情况下是错误的有解决方案:如果男人和妇女都鼓励学习和解决问题的方式,更多的空间将在新的想法,来自每个人的社会.
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