Choose the best answers


Choose the best answers
1.The prince ___ the ___ beauty by kissing her forehead.
A.woke up...sleeping B.awakened...sleepy C.awoke...asleep D.waken...sleep
2.I'm sorry I ___ my Chinese book at home because I ______ in a hurry this morning.
A.forgot...have left B.dropped...left C.left...went D.left...left
3.The Trojan soldier thought the Greeks ___ because the plain was empty ___ for a huge wooden horse.
A.had been...except B.had gone...except C.had been...besides D.had gone...besides
4.Mrs Church ___ to my invitation with a short note.
A.answers B.answered C.replies D.replied
5.At last the German ___ the Korean and ___ the game.
A.won...won B.won...beat C.beat...won D.beat...beat
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-09-27


1.A(因为是时态过去时所以还清应该是 woke up而睡美人英文是sleeping beauty)
2.D(第一个空一定是left 因为 left 落下 而forgot忘记 如果是forgot应该是forgot to bring,dropped就很离谱了 而第二空中went 是去的意思 所以不对故选D)
3.B(第一个的意思应是已经走了,是过去完成时所以应该是 had gone 因为had been没有已经走了的意思 特洛伊士兵认为希腊人已经走了所以是has gone P.S have/has been to 去了 又回来了 has gone to 去而未归.第二空肯定是except,除了一个木马嘛.)
4.D 因为是过去时态所以不是replied就是answerd 后面说 with a short note 所以不能是 answerd 所以选D)
5.C(beat 击败 won胜利 德国人打败了 韩国人 赢得了胜利.所以是 beat……won)