Out rushed the policeman with his slippers on when he heared


Out rushed the policeman with his slippers on when he heared the terrible noise
Out rushed the policeman with his slippers on 是副词?还是介词短语放句首,句子全部倒装?
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-05


Out rushed the policeman with his slippers on中的out 应该是副词,”向外“,位于句首引起倒装,原句应该是When he heared the terrible noise,the policeman rushed out with his slippers on.”当听到可怕的噪音时,那个警察穿着拖鞋就跑出去了.“
再问: out 什么时候是介词,什么时候是副词?
再答: 当out为介词时,其后要接词语构成介词短语;当out是副词时,当然就不能接词语了! 例如:副词:The bells rang out. (out后边没有接任何成分) 介词:He jumped out the window. (out后边接了window) 所以看out是副词还是介词就主要看其后是否接成分!!! 参考: ①副词 ad. 1.出外;在外;向外 Let's go out for a walk. 我们出去散散步吧。 2.在外;不在家(办公室);在室外 All yesterday he was out. 昨天他整天在外。 3.离岸;离开城市;离开国家 4.(发)出;(借)出;(挑)出;(突)出 5.出现;问世;显露 His secret got out. 他的秘密泄漏了。 6.出声地;大声地 The bells rang out. 钟声响起。 7.完全;彻底 8.去掉 The dirty marks will wash out. 污渍可以洗去。 9.(用)完;熄灭;(机器)停转 He blew out the candle. 他把蜡烛吹灭了。 10.无知觉,昏迷 The little girl passed out at the sight of the snake. 小女孩一看到那条蛇就昏过去了。 11.在野;不在台上 12.不流行,不时髦 13.完全不可能 14.出局;出界 ②介词 prep. 1.【口】通过...而出 He jumped out the window. 他从窗口跳了出去。 2.沿着...而去 I saw him drive out the driveway. 我看到他沿着住宅通向大路的车道开去。