the wise blind man


the wise blind man
blind people can't see with their eyes ,but they have a sense of touch that helps them see .there is a blind man .he has a super sense of touth .people all think he is great .the king hears about this ,but he does't believe it.he says that he will test it by himself .
so,the blind man is asked to meet the king for the test.he takes a seat .the king tells the servant to put a bady wolf on the blind man's lap.the blind man touches every part of the bady wolf's body.
the king asks,"what is this bady animal?"
the blind man answers,"it may be a bady wolf or a bady fox.but it won't be safe to raise him in a sheepfold."
the king is very pleased at the blind man's answer and gives him a lot of money.
why is the king pleased at the blind man's answer?
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-30


Because this blind man has a great sense of touch.He knows even better than those who can see.
再问: 你的答案什么意思
再答: 因为这个盲人有着非常棒的触觉。他比那些看得见的人知道得更多。
再问: 全文的大意是什么
再答: 你要我全翻译吗?
再问: 最好这样,跪求~~~~~~~~
再答: 全文太长了,我和你说个大意吧~ 从前有个盲人很牛,国王听说了,把他找来。命人把一只狼宝宝放在他的膝上,问他“这是什么动物?”盲人摸了一会儿,回答说“这是一只狼宝宝或者狐狸宝宝,把它们养在羊圈里可不安全啊~”国王龙心大悦,赏了很多钱。