

1个回答 分类:英语 2014-12-05


Police officers work in close collaboration with the communities.They serve to maintain law and order,protect members of the public and their property,prevent crime,reduce the fear of crime and improve the quality of life for all citizens.
Police officers work in partnership with the public using a wide range of technology to protect individuals,identify the perpetrators of crime and ensure successful prosecutions against those who break the law.
Typical work activities
The work of a police officer is both challenging and diverse.Typical activities are likely to include:
- working in partnership with communities liaising with community groups and individuals;
- providing a visible presence to deter crime and reassure the community;
- conducting patrol duties on foot,by car and bicycle;
- developing community knowledge to identify individuals and locations at risk of being involved in crime;
- responding to calls and requests from the public to assist at incidents;
- keeping the peace at public meetings,social events.
- conducting initial investigations,gathering evidence,taking statements and complying with relevant legal requirements;
- interviewing suspects,victims and witnesses in accordance with relevant legislation;
- conducting arrests;
- preparing crime reports and presenting case files to senior officers
- attending and giving evidence in court and at other hearings;
- completing administrative procedures;
- submitting internal crime reports and criminal intelligence reports;
- investigating and taking action on criminal information received from members of the public;
-gathering,recording and analysing intelligence to achieve community safety and crime reduction objectives and providing crime prevention advice;
-attending road-related incidents including collision scenes,vehicle check points and traffic offences;
- enforcing road traffic legislation and issuing fixed penalties for relevant offences;
- dealing with lost or found property.
再问: 要中文的
再答: 警察职业道德  人民警察在执勤中所遵循的道德规范。人民警察是无产阶级专政的重要工具之一,主要任务是保护人民,惩罚犯罪,打击敌人,维护社会治安。其职业道德的主要内容是:(1)热爱社会主义祖国,热爱党,坚定地站在人民利益的立场上,忠实地履行人民民主专政赋于的职责,敢于同一切制造动乱、扰乱社会治安、破坏四化建设,危害人民利益的各种违法犯罪分子进行坚决的斗争。(2)实事求是,一切从实际出发,重视调查研究,处理案件不捕风捉影,主观臆断;分清敌我,明辨是非,不伤害好人;忠于事实真相,光明磊落,有了错误不推卸责任。(3)模范执行党的方针、政策、严守工作纪律,倾听群众意见,接受群众监督,不利用职权拉关系、谋私利,不徇私枉法。(4)坚持法律面前人人平等的原则,不畏权势,不徇私情,刚正不阿,秉公执法。(5)以身作则,带头守法,严格要求自己,模范遵守社会公德,为人民做出表率。   警察职业道德面貌的好坏,不仅直接关系到人民群众的切身利益,而且直接关系到党的威望、国家的声誉和专政机关的尊严。人民警察应自觉按照职业的特殊道德要求,为社会主义现代化建设做出应有的贡献