So late-to he cinema that we missed the funniest part of the


So late_to he cinema that we missed the funniest part of the film.
Awe were about to get Bwas it to get C we wanted to get D were we getting选什么 为什么
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-02


B was it to get
理由:so+副词或形容词 在句首的时候,句子为半倒装(谓语动词的一部分放在主语之前)
so beautiful is the flower that we all want to see it.
so hard does he work that he makes great progress .
再问: 不是我们去电影院晚了么
再答: 是啊 我们到电影院如此之晚,以至于错过了电影最有意思的部分。
再问: 所以主语不应该是我们么 为什么是它
再答: it这里指的是时间 eg It is six o'clock now. 这个句子不倒装的话,应该是 it was so late we get to the cinema that that we missed the funniest part of the film.
再问: 主语WE是你加上去的么 原句中没有的
再答: 主句中有我们吧? 翻译中有一种“添加法”,因为两种语言的表达不尽相同,添加合理的词语是为了在不影响原句意思的情况下更符合汉语的语言习惯和更好地理解原句。
再问: We were getting to the cinema so late that we missed the funniesr of the film. 这句话不对么
再答: 什么叫We were getting to the cinema ?即将到达?正在到达?不懂......