

the table reveals the UK had by far the highest number of internet users in all three years.From 16 millions in 1995.the number of british internet user was steadilyc climbed to 22 million in 2000,before the number was rapidly increased to 41 million.The country that has the second highest number of internet user is germany.which from 5 million internet user in 1995 then skyrocketed to 14 million in 2000.before it reached 15 million slightly in 2004
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-12


虽说没有语法本身的错,但句子的顺序有错,概念模糊,时间不一致,等等.比如,使用网络人数 是指“总数”还是指“增长的人数”?另外,在谈及英国时,前面说“在三年中”,可后面却说,“从1995至2000”(6年).
再问: 其实题目是要描述一个表格,是一个雅思小作文的题目 如图,能根据这个题目再帮我看看那里有写的不好的地方吗,谢谢了
再答: The table reveals that among five countries in Europe, UK had by far the highest number of internet users both in 1995 (16 millions), 2000 (22 millions), and 2004 (41 millions) and Spain had the least number of internet users in those three years (0.5, 0.7, and 2 millions for 1995, 2000, and 2004, respectively). The country that had the second highest number of internet user is German. There were 5 millions internet user in 1995, and number skyrocketed to 14 millions in 2000.before it reached 15 millions in 2004. However, among internet users in these countries, the number who used internet for shopping presented a different picture. In 2004, Spain, although having the least overall number of internet users, had about the same highest percentage of users of internet for shopping as UK. 希望对你有帮助。