

Dear LFC:
你好,我叫XXX,一个15岁的中国利物浦球迷.04-05欧洲冠军联赛决赛是我看的第一场比赛,我看到了利物浦球员的血性,也让我认识到我应该早些成为利物浦球迷.转会期还有一个月,我看到新帅Roy Hodgson接连签下Jovanovic,Joe Cole,Danny Wilson等强援,这令我们中国球迷十分高兴,不过我个人认为把Emiliano Insua卖出去是个错误的决定,毕竟Emiliano Insua很年轻.说实话,Javier Mascherano让我很不满,当年毕竟是利物浦将他从连替补席也挤不上的West Ham United中解救出来,但他现在居然选择离开.Steven Gerrard是利物浦最伟大的球员,也是我最崇拜的球员,他永远也不会离开利物浦的,因为他深深地爱着利物浦. 上赛季Rafa Benitez的成绩并不好,联赛仅仅取得第7名,这让球迷伤透了心,也导致Rafa的离开.我认为Roy是个伟大的教练,上赛季他带领Fulham杀入欧洲联盟杯决赛,我相信他一定能把利物浦带回前四,并取得更优异的成绩.作为中国的利物浦球迷,我希望俱乐部可以赠送给我杰拉德签名的卡片或者别的什么礼物.祝利物浦下赛季取得优异成绩,期待你们的回信.
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-10-15


Dear LFC:
Hello,my name is XXX,a 15-year-old Chinese Liverpool fans.04-05 Champions League final is the first game I see,I see bloody Liverpool players,but also made me realize I should have become a Liverpool fan.Transfer period is one month,I saw coach Roy Hodgson signed a series of Jovanovic,Joe Cole,Danny Wilson and so Jiang Yuan,which made us very happy Chinese fans,but I personally think that the Emiliano Insua was sold the wrong decision,After all,Emiliano Insua very young.To tell the truth,Javier Mascherano makes me unhappy,then,after all,Liverpool will he even bench also not make it on the West Ham United in rescue,but he has now chosen to leave.Steven Gerrard is Liverpool's greatest player,is my most admired player,he will never leave Liverpool,because he deeply loves Liverpool.Rafa Benitez's success last season was not good,just get the first seven league,allowing fans heartbroken,also led to the departure of Rafa.I think Roy is a great coach,last season he led Fulham Sharu UEFA Cup final,I believe he is certain that the Liverpool back to the first four,and get more good results.As a Liverpool fan,I hope the club can be presented to me Gerrard signed a gift card or something.I wish to achieve outstanding results in Liverpool next season,look forward to your reply.