英语翻译Consolidating confidence of sight-holders to remain loya


Consolidating confidence of sight-holders to remain loyal by adapting “black-box” trade to buyers needs.Thus,De Beers should encourage greater flexibility in product offering to sight-holders for grievances of excessive control exercised by De Beers has lead to emergence of strategic rivals like Lev Leviev to capitalize in the market.Since new independent sources of rough diamonds have emerged,De Beers will have to consider altering its “black-box” trade of selling un-cut diamonds or rough.
- Political antagonism against De Beers’ dominance and the increased power of antitrust regulators are leading to an increased chance of remedial action against De Beers
􀂃 I strongly recommend De Beers to politically lobby the changes in its current structure of operations,as mentioned above,in order to re-establish confidence of national governments and antitrust regulators.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-28


- 政治对德比尔斯公司的优势和反托拉斯监管人员加强了力量对抗是导致一对德比尔斯补救措施的机会增加