英语翻译A combination band,νas+νs,is observed at 2462 cm-1.Twoot


A combination band,νas+νs,is observed at 2462 cm-1.Two
other bands appear at 1242 cm-1 and 1105 cm-1,most easily
seen in the low pressure range (see inset of Figure 3),which
are substantially more red-shifted compared to the gas phase
values (-120 and -53 cm-1,respectively) than these of the previous
bands discussed above.SO2 adsorption also induces
significant changes to the frameworks vibrational modes:(1) a
blue shift of the νas(COO) mode from 1639 cm-1 to 1695 cm-1
(\3ν = +56 cm-1) and of the νs(COO) mode from 1433 cm-1 to
1472 cm-1 (\3ν = +39 cm-1),and (2) a decrease in intensity of
νas(CH2),νs(CH2) and ν(CH) modes at 2874 cm-1,2938 cm-1,
and 3076 cm-1,respectively.Furthermore,the CH2 rocking
mode and benzene ring deformation mode σ 12 are red-shifted
by -8 cm-1 (from 830 and to 822 cm-1) and -12 cm-1 (from
744 cm-1 to 732 cm-1).The δ(COO) mode,initially at 810 cm-1
shifts to 778 cm-1 (\3ν = -32 cm-1).These changes increase with
SO2 adsorption.The frameworks vibrational modes assignment
is summarized in Table S3.Figure 3.IR absorption spectra of SO2 adsorption into
Ni(bdc)(ted)0.5 as a function of SO2 initial pressure recorded
immediately after evacuation (within 16 s).All spectra are
referenced to the activated (i.e.empty) MOF.Inset shows the low
pressure region from bottom to top:600 mtor,1 Torr,2 Torr,3
Torr.The black lines are associated with SO2-related features and
the red dash lines with MOF-related features arising from SO2
induced perturbation.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-11-05


组合乐队, νas + νs ,观察在2462 cm-1处.二
其他乐队出现在1242 cm-1处, 1105 cm-1处,最容易
看出,在低压范围内(参看图3 ) ,这
比以前的这些值( -120和-53 cm-1处,分别)
上面所讨论的频带. SO2吸附也诱导
框架的振动模式的显着的变化: (1)一种
νas (COO)的模式,从1639 cm-1的蓝移, 1695 cm-1处
( ν = 56厘米-1 )和1433 cm-1处的νs (COO)的模式从
1472厘米-1( ν = +39厘米 - 1) , (2)强度降低的现象
, νas (CH 2) , νs (CH 2)和ν ( CH )在2874厘米1模式,2938厘米-1 ,
和3076 cm-1处,分别为.此外, CH2摇摆
模式和苯环变形模式σ 12红移
〜 -8厘米-1 (从830到822厘米-1 ) 〜 -12 cm-1处(从
744厘米 - 1〜 732 cm-1处) . δ ( COO )模式,最初在810 cm-1处
转移至778 cm-1处( ν = -32 cm-1处).这些变化增加
是摘自在表S3.Figure 3 .红外吸收光谱对SO2吸附到
镍(BDC) (TED) 0.5 SO2初始压力记录功能
后立即疏散( 16秒内) .所有的光谱是
从底部到顶部的压力区域: 600 mTOR的, 1托2托,3