英语翻译Dear Mr WilsonThank you for your letter of 15 April quot


Dear Mr Wilson
Thank you for your letter of 15 April quoting rates for insuiance cover for stock stored in our warehouse at the above address .
The value of the stock held varies with the season but does not normally exceed £100,000at any time.
Please arrange cover in this sum for all the risks mentioned in your letter and on the terms quoted ,namely 50p%
per annum.Cover should take effect from 1May next.
Yours sincerely
Dear Mr smith
Thank you for your recent letter.We shall be glad to provide cover in the sum of£ 500,000 at 50p% per annum on stock in your warehouse at 25 Topping Street,Lusaka.This will take effect from 1May
The policy is now being prepared and it should reach you in about a week’s time.
Please let me know if i can provide any furhter help
Yours sincerely
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-12-10


亲爱的威尔逊先生谢谢您四月来信的报价为15 insuiance盖对存储在上述地址在我们的仓库库存.持有股票的价值随季节变化而通常不超过£100000at任何时间.请安排所有你信中提到的风险这一笔盖上引用的条款,即50便士每年%.盖应该从1may下.你真诚的(3)亲爱的史密斯先生,谢谢你的来信.我们将乐意提供覆盖在£500000和50便士每半年对库存在你的仓库在25排街,lusaka.this将生效从1may政策正在准备,它应该在一周左右的时间到达你.请让我知道如果我能提供任何进一步的帮助,你的真诚