

According to family planning's prescript,it encourage people late marriage and childbearing and advocate one child in town's family.The one child policy is the population control policy of the People's Republic of China.It officially restricts the number of children married urban couples can have to one,although it allows exemptions for several cases,including rural couples,ethnic minorities,and parents without any siblings themselves.
As you can imagine,enforcing a policy as strict as this is an extremely taxing challenge.However the Chinese government has implemented ways in ensuring hat it’s population stick to the rules they have been given.These rules include that penalties will be given to anyone found breaking the policy.This may be given in cash of up to 10,000 yuans.It could also be paid in properties which is precious to the families.Benefits will be removed from those families with more than one child.In some rural areas,peasants are allowed to have more than one child under some terms and conditions as man power is very demanded for farm work.However,sometimes it is abused by the corrupted officials who would like to increase their income by charging fines.This money should be used for the community and improve living conditions of the local people,but in many cases it will be spent by the officials to pay their meals and drinks,which will be punished if they are caught.
1个回答 分类:英语 2014-10-17



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