

1.我每次的学期评语都会有一句:你是一个内向并且老实的孩子。但是我其实是一个外向的女孩。至于老师们为什么这个么说。我也很想知道2.我是一个很讨厌英语的女生。导致这个原因所在的百分之90的原因就是因为我们的英语老师。那时我真的讨厌透了他。(其实到现在也一直讨厌着)恨不得哪天他走在路上会被外星人带走3.我们家有三口人外加一只狗。爸爸是XX(职业)。妈妈是XX。狗是白吃白喝的。4.我十分喜欢我们家的狗。虽然它经常啃坏我的衣服和鞋。最厉害的一次是它咬断了我们家的电话线和网线。即便它犯下了这么大的错误。但是却在我严厉批评他的时候却头也不回的走了5.我很喜欢这样的图片。因为我在上面可以看到短发版XXX的影子6.在2011年。我只相信一句话:以前神马都是浮云。未来是光明的 7:我的宠物什么?8.我最讨厌的英语老师 9.小学到高中老师们给我的评语 10:我最喜欢的图片像谁?我理想当一名设计师。现在的我正在为我的梦想努力着
1个回答 分类:综合 2014-10-20


再问: 真不好意思。很多。我又没分...
再答: Learn from junior high school. Every time I term comments will have a: are you a introverted and honest child. But I was actually an outgoing girl. As for the teachers why this yao said. I also want to know 2. In junior high school of time. Especially teenager. I am a very hate English girl. Cause this reason lies 90 percent of the reason is because our English teacher. Then I really hate through him. (actually to now also have always detested) wish which day he walked down the road will be aliens 3. There are three people in my family and a dog. Dad is XX (profession). Mother is XX. The dog is sponged drink. 4. I really like our family dog. Although it often by gnawing on my clothes and shoes. The most serious time is it bites broke our home phone line and an Internet connection. Even if it made such a big mistake. But in my harshly criticized his time but didn't look back went 5. I like this picture. Because I above can see short version 6. In the shadow of XXX in 2011. I only believe a word: before god horses are floating clouds. The future is bright 7: my pet? 8. I hate English teacher 9. Primary school to high school teachers give my comments 10: my favorite pictures like? My ideal when a designer. Now I'm giving my dreams 没事的加油哦